In many ways this isn't surprising. Patents are legal documents, with all the complication that implies. Applying for a patent is a lengthy process with a great many (and sometimes arbitrary seeming) hoops to jump through. Patent disputes can involve a lot of hair-splitting about the correct choice and meaning of particular words. All in all, the patent system isn't terribly transparent at first glance. Or second. Or third for that matter
However, strip away the wordy detail and I firmly believe that patents are basically simple beasts at heart. The hoop jumping involved with patent applications are (mostly) there for a reason - and quite often for the benefit of the applicant. With a bit of practice, they can even be readable.
That belief is why I started this blog. I plan to post on various topics ranging from bits and pieces of patent law, to thoughts on whatever patent cases make it into the news.
Before I start though, I should add an important disclaimer. I am not a patent attorney, part -qualified or otherwise. I have spent my career working with patents, as an examiner, as a patent searcher and as an IPR (intellectual property rights) manager, so hopefully most of what I write will be on point. However it should not be relied upon in any sense as legal advice.
If any actual attorneys find their way here, your comments will be most welcome!
- Richard.
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